
Nursing Capstone Projects Ideas

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Nursing Capstone Projects Ideas

Most nursing students struggle to come up with their nursing capstone project ideas because they are not aware of what their supervisors expect them to discuss in their projects. Whether you are pursuing BSN, MSN, or DNP, choosing a suitable nursing capstone project idea is very critical. Unlike the thesis that is based on practical theories, the capstone project requires a breakdown of a problem with evidence to back it up.

Every nursing student wishes to come up with a unique and relatively easy-to-handle nursing project topic with plenty of supporting evidence, facts, and convincing enough to earn you the best grades. So, if you are looking for the best nursing capstone project ideas for your BSN, MSN or DNP, then you have come to the right place.

We have compiled a list of several creative nursing capstone project ideas that are viable for research and writing a comprehensive nursing capstone paper. Besides, we will provide you with valuable insights to ensure you have chosen the most appropriate topic for your capstone project.

What is Nursing Capstone Project?

A nursing capstone project is a nursing academic paper that consolidates facts, experiments, and practical work experience to identify viable solutions to real nursing issues using knowledge gains from nursing classes and nursing working experience. When doing a capstone graduate you will be paired with practicing professionals to guide you.

The practicing nurse will provide advice not only on the design but also shares with you real-life nursing experiences. As such, the nursing student will improve their professional skills, therefore attaining the capstone project’s primary purpose. An excellent nursing capstone project should feature a persuasive argument, be evidence-based while reinforcing the best nursing practices.

Importance of Capstone Projects to Nursing Students

The nursing capstone project serves to attain many goals in the nursing course and profession as a whole. Nonetheless, the main goals are anchored in the need for nursing students to demonstrate theoretical knowledge in solving practice-based issues in different nursing specialties. Here is why it is important to write a nursing capstone project:

Capstone project offers nursing students to combine work from class with professional practice: While you are writing your nursing capstone project, you will be able to apply various nursing theories, ideas, models, and frameworks to help enhance your nursing professional development.

Capstone project helps define a problem or opportunity in nursing practice or the healthcare system as a whole: For instance, a rise in the rates of childhood obesity is a problem that a nursing capstone project can come up with actionable strategies to address the issue.

Capstone projects enable understanding community needs: By writing of nursing capstone projects, a nursing student can be able to identify and address the healthcare issues and needs within a local community setup.

Capstone projects help to have a look at the nursing world from a systems approach point of view: Capstone project is often taken during the final year in college or university thus helps nursing students to make a significant difference in the healthcare setting and the community as a whole. This is mainly because the capstone project they will write will try to solve systematic issues in their specialty areas.

Capstone projects help develop an interest in a given specialty: when researching and working on your nursing capstone project, you may in the process develop an interest in a particular nursing specialty that you can further your studies on to greater levels.

A good nursing capstone project must reflect the use of data, research ethics, statistics, leadership, and program theory and pave the way by a capstone research proposal.

What is the Difference Between a Nursing Capstone Project and Nursing Thesis?

When you are getting closer to the end of your nursing course, you will most likely be assigned a capstone project or thesis. It is quite confusing for most nursing students on which is which between these two academic papers. So, if you have been confusing thesis and capstone projects, today we’ll help you make a difference.

Most nursing programs, whether undergraduate or graduate levels require that students complete either a nursing thesis or a capstone project. A thesis is an academic paper that requires focusing on a general issue and offer insights to the reader while a capstone narrows down to focusing on a particular nursing problem, concern, or issue.

Moreover, a nursing thesis presents a theory or solution whereas a capstone project prescribes the problem using an evidence-based approach. While a capstone project is usually assigned from undergraduate to graduate level, a nursing thesis is only assigned to graduate nursing students.

The difference between the thesis and capstone is also seen in coverage. A nursing capstone project is more focused compared to the thesis is not as focused. The reason behind this is that a capstone project tends to demonstrate an understanding of the topic via a detailed analytical approach.

Contrary to a nursing thesis entails a generation of hypothesis or research questions, conducting research, analysis of data, explanation of the findings, and concluding and recommending the evidence-based practice.

Regardless of the difference, both the capstone projects and nursing thesis form grounds for evidence-based practice in nursing.

Structure a Nursing Capstone Project Follows

When writing a nursing capstone project, a student nurse is required to follow a basic format. A well-structured nursing capstone project paper features the following sections:


The first section of a nursing capstone project is an abstract. This is a brief, often a single-paged explanation of what your nursing project is all about and what it aims to attain. In the abstract, you are required to state in brief the introduction, thesis statement, and the following sections. By doing so, the reader is able to know what to expect in the preceding chapters of the project. Besides, it ignites the reader’s curiosity on continuing to read your project.


The introduction follows the abstract and it should as well be brief. The introduction should state the background of the problem, thesis statement and give an outline of your capstone project. The thesis statement should come out clearly and straight to the point at the end of the introduction.

Literature Review

The literature review sets the background of the previous project topics while demonstrating the relevance and viability of your capstone project topic. Make sure to identify the key themes and projects while pointing out the gaps that are existing in that particular capstone project. Most importantly, you must back up your review with references from viable and dependable articles and journals.

Methods and Material

In this section, you are required to write the material you used in your capstone project. Materials in this sense refer to instruments, equipment, and treatment administered. Be sure to explain how you utilized the materials and why you choose those specific materials for your capstone project. Citing your sources in this section is very critical. Moreover, provide statistical methods or test you used to analyze your data.

Results and Discussion

This section requires you to present your capstone project findings. Also, expound on the limitations, speculations, and deductive arguments you experienced with your capstone project. Present your experimental data by using graphs while backing them with reliable sources from reputable articles and journals.


The conclusion is the last part of the nursing capstone paper. In this section, be sure to illustrate the knowledge you generated from your nursing capstone project. Also, bring out your solution towards solving the capstone problem while following it with future recommendations about the capstone topic. Most importantly, don’t introduce any new idea(s) in the conclusion section.

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Nursing Informatics Capstone Project Ideas

Developing and improving the safety and security of patients through comprehensive data research

Adoption of e-learning in healthcare management

How to utilize modern-day systems for reliable nursing information

Investigating methods for storing and keeping nursing informatics data

A study of the advantages and disadvantages of the current health records system

Reviewing the impact of nursing informatics on the quality of nursing services

What is the current situation of nursing informatics in developing countries?

Which degree should come first – CS or Nursing

Big data and ethics – Can they coexist?

Storage systems for seniors

Can informatics be applied in rural areas?

How should government affect the automatizing processes?

Assisting recovery centres

Data governance in healthcare settings

Technologies from professional nursing training

Ethics and data management in healthcare

How to improve nursing practice by using electronic health recording

The use of technology to bridge the nurse shortage gaps in rural areas

Collaborative decision making through shared governance in healthcare

Keeping nursing professionals updated through informatics

Using data to improve discharge decisions

Use of healthcare information technology to support evidence-based practice in


Role of nursing informatics in quality improvement

Importance of clinical support decision making systems

Nurse informatics competencies

Gaining more from biometric analysis

Barriers to competency development in nursing informatics

Controversial issues on nursing informatics

Use of electronic medical records in acute care

The use of simulation from nursing students

Health informatics integration into nursing education

Digital literacy’s development for students in nursing schools

Using smartphones from inpatient education and management

Potential dangers for biometric in the nursing sector

Pediatric Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Childhood obesity: A population health issue

Evaluation of pragmatic language patterns in autistic children

Blindness in children receiving oxygen therapy: Risk-reducing strategies

Obesity in children and adolescents: Prevention strategies

Prenatal exposure to nicotine: Health effects

Asthma in children: Diagnosis and management

Childhood obesity: Identification, prevention, screening, and management

Early life exposure that promotes heart disease later in life

Role of early-life exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in childhood obesity

Stem cells and their usage in the treatment of pediatric diseases

HHV6: Pathogenesis, immunology, and treatment

Opportunistic fungal infections: Pathogenesis and treatment

Surfactant replacement therapy for premature infants: Beneficial effects

Common measles complications in children

Menengitis in children: Prevention and vaccination

Animal models for respiratory diseases: The investigation of the pathogenesis

Neuroblastoma in children: Understanding racial differences

Anorexia and related changes in brain function and behavior

Movement disorder in children: understanding and treatment

ADHD in children: Efficacy of dance and music therapy

Efficacy of mind-body therapy in children with ADHD

Infant nutrition: Prevention of obesity and eating disorders

Eating disorder in children: Effects on growth and health

Acute renal insufficiency: Nursing care and treatment

Kidney stones in children: Preventive strategies

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: Management strategies

Children with type 1 diabetes from ethnic minorities: Risk factors

Autism in children: Benefits of medication techniques

Understanding metabolic syndrome: Symptoms and causes

Emergency Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Is tracking patients in the emergency with the help of an App good for their friends and family?

Could emergency calls be simplified?

How many people ride in ambulances around the world?

How to improve rural access to emergency care

Triage and psychiatric screening improvements

Identification and treatment of abused women

Alcohol and drug screening for adolescent patients

Best strategies for overcoming pepper spray exposure

Dealing with human trafficking in HR

Effects of tasers on cardiac disorders

Pediatric shock and trauma

Improving care for hospital staff after the unexpected death of a child

Nasal administration of medicines

Improving patient behavior

Terrorist attacks: How can nurses improve personal preparedness?

Effects of colors on ER patients

Handling pediatric fall victims

Should all nurses have access to the ER?

Analyzing the link between compassion fatigue and exercise among medical surgery nurses

The correlation between caring behavior and emotional intelligence for nurses in emergency rooms

Strategies to curb distress among isolated marrow and blood transplant patient post-transplantation

How to enhance safety in operating rooms

Dealing with the aftermath of a cancer surgery

Ways to boost patient flow in an urgent care facility

Nursing Leadership Capstone Project Ideas

Why nursing organizations matter in shaping the nursing future

How leadership accountability differs between developing and developed countries

Contrasting and comparing the roles of nurse leadership in public and private hospitals

What leadership traits represent excellence?

Do pharmaceutical companies have the right to overprice medication?

Nurse leadership behavior and qualities

Ways to maintain team leadership to enhance team’s collaboration

Training programs for nurse leaders

How nurses should approach transactional leadership

Nursing education and leadership

Why nurse leadership matters

Nursing leadership and management styles

Leadership and student nurses

How nurse leaders can address burnout among nurses

Weaknesses and strengths of change nurses

Short-term and long-term goals for nurse leaders

Why nurse leaders should adhere to ethical practices

How nurse leaders should approach stress management

Role of nurse leaders in preventing violence in emergency rooms

The best ways for nurse leaders to start and manage change

Long term and short term goals for clinical leaders

Challenges facing modern nurse leaders

Impact of nurse engagement and inclusion on patient outcomes

Impact of nurse leadership on patient outcomes

How nurse leaders can initiate and manage change

Significance of communication among interprofessional team nurse leaders

The link between nurse leadership and change management

Effective nursing leadership styles

Role of nurse managers in healthcare

Professional development strategies for nurses

Theories that support nurse leadership

Role of transformational leadership among nurse managers

What is leadership from a nursing perspective?

The future of nurse leadership

Leadership characteristics that represent excellence

Health Promotion Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

How effective is school health promotion?

How to create new strategies and implement them in brain health programs

Why does health promotion matter during disease outbreaks?

How school-based interventions can prevent mental health issues among children

How to communicate essential health information to the community

How to raise awareness about cyberbullying and prevent it

New ways to prevent HIV and promote health

Community-based programs for helping seniors exercise safely

Ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the old age

Late-life depression management programs for the elderly

Youth inactivity: Ways of raising awareness

Smoking cessation: The study of obstacles

Ideas for quitting smoking: New techniques

Communication and sharing of preventative medicine techniques: New ways

Planning meaningful activities with older adults as a means of reducing depressive symptoms

New strategies in fostering cancer-preventive behaviors

New ways of educating young people about the importance of having a positive body image

Involvement of children in various physical activities: Promotion strategies

Workplace wellness programs as ways of supporting healthy behavior

Motivation to change inactive behavior in young people

New ways of increasing worker’s participation in shaping the working environment

The effects of second-hand smoking: Ways of raising awareness

The importance of vaccines for the hepatitis B virus in cancer prevention

Non-occupational factors in the general environment: Ways of raising awareness

UV radiation and skin cancer: Ways of raising awareness

Physical inactivity as a major cause of death in developed countries

Managing the global epidemic: Ways of raising health awareness

HIV prevention: New ways of health promotion

Disease outbreaks: The role of health promotion

Brain exercise: Understanding key principles

The role of school-based interventions in preventing childhood mental health problems

Health childhood development: Health education for children

Ways of raising awareness on the routes of transmitting infectious diseases

The efficacy of school health promotion

Brain health programs: Creating new strategies on a small budget

Cyberbullying: Ways of raising awareness and prevention

Workplace policies: Depression management promotion

Healthy eating habits as a means of preventing the development of diet-associated cancer

Occupational health and safety programs for people working in dangerous conditions

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas for Mental Health

Impacts of bullying at the workplace for new nurses

The use of cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques in psychiatric facilities

Development of a new mental health guide for educators

The link between homelessness and mental health issues

How domestic violence affects children

Cultural-based mental health programs

The efficiency of yoga in maintaining mental health

Addressing stigma among carers and patients with mental health issues

Art therapy and mental health

Mental health nursing for adolescents

Outcome measures for an inpatient with mental health issues

Lateral violence among nurses

Understanding postnatal depression among women

Access to mental health services by aboriginals and specific population

Impacts of teenage suicides

Use of expressive art therapy for positive youth development

Preparing student nurses to manage trauma in health facilities

Preventing falls in psychiatric facilities

Mental health simulation models for AND students

Putting postnasal depression into perspective

Detrimental effects of sexual assault on children

Evaluating readiness for psychological rehabilitation

Is it possible to manage dementia patients with non-pharmacological methods?

Investigating how autonomous decision making is affected by mental illness

Women’s Health Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Nutritional management during pregnancy

Uterine cancer and fibroids in women

Using tramadol and codeine products in breastfeeding women

Emergency contraception / birth control

Exclusive breastfeeding and immune levels of children

Female genital mutilation and women sexual health

Factors that influence the decision to breastfeed

Postmenstrual syndrome and hormonal changes

Addressing the mental health of pregnant women in rural areas

The link between HPV and cervical cancer

Breastfeeding, jobs, and women of low socio-economic status

Preterm babies and infant mortality among African-American women

Use of supplements when breastfeeding

Normal versus cesarean surgery

Postpartum depression among women

Urine incontinence in women

Birth control approach among women

Preventing pregnant women from Zika Virus

Constipation after cesarean surgery

Gestational diabetes management

Mammography to detect breast cancers in women

Breast pumps and breastfeeding

Patient Falls Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Evidence-based practice falls intervention strategies in hospital settings

Potential causes of fall risk patient

Nursing interventions to prevent falls

The use of technology to prevent falls

Use of exercise in reducing falls among elderly patients

Effects of implementing evidence-based fall risk scale on fall rates

Multifactorial interventions for the prevention of falls among elderly patients

Creating a safety culture that prevent falls

Factors contributing to psychiatric patient falls in hospitals

Standardized fall risk assessment tool

Quality improvement program for reducing falls in medical-surgical units

Fall prevention practices at home

Environmental assessment and modification as a fall management strategy

Patient fall education and patient safety

Role of pharmacists in addressing patient falls

An interdisciplinary approach to fall management in clinical settings

Safety awareness activities for elderly patients

Impacts of visiting home nurses on reducing in-patient falls

Home safety modifications to reduce fall injuries among geriatric patients

Impacts of the design of healthcare environments on patient fall

Medical personnel attitude and knowledge about in-patient falls

The use of cameras in monitoring to prevent falls among elderly patients


When choosing your nursing capstone project idea, feasibility should be one of the core guiding factors. Make sure not to be overly broad since you may lose focus of your project. Equally, being too narrow will rob you of enough ideas which will affect the quality of your project in the long run.

Also, be sure to select a unique idea that will arouse your interest and capture your supervisor’s attention and that of the reader. Most importantly, your final capstone project idea should be appropriate and relevant to your nursing specialty. Keep in mind that your capstone project’s main objective is to demonstrate your knowledge and nursing skills.

Finally, make sure you write your capstone project with strict adherence to the academic writing style while following all the requirements in the rubric and your university guidelines. Use formal language without being overly technical and do not oversimplify your concepts. Ideally, makes your capstone project document easy for other fraternity members to follow and understand.

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